Yummy Dogs

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5 Finger Food Ideas for Fantastic Parties

There cannot be a party without finger food. Bite-sized yet still savoury, finger food make good conversation starters. They also keep the guests from getting too hungry. That’s why if you’re organising an event, whether a casual get-together or a corporate gathering in Sydney, it’s a good idea to spice it up by including small but delectable snacks with your party food catering.

Here are simple yet delicious bite-sized treats to get your party started.

1.       Avocado fries – Make your party exciting by serving novel alternatives to chips and salsa, and we’ve got one right here: avocado fries! You can turn the silky smooth avocado into a crispy treat by coating them in crushed tortilla chips. Serve them in a fancy platter and they’re good to go.

 2.       Coconut Prawns – High on protein and low on fat and calories, prawns are great appetizers your health-conscious guests will love. There are various ways to serve them. You can grill, bake or boil them. But if you want to achieve the crispy goodness of coconut prawns, then all you have to do is roll the prawn in coconut beer batter before frying. Complement them with sweet, citrusy dipping sauce, and you can instantly add zest to your gathering.

 3.       Hot dogs – Once a working class street food, hot dogs have now found their way to parties and corporate gatherings. Hot dogs are all-time favourites so it makes sense that you include them in your party. You can check out our previous post for ideas on how to prepare them. But if you want to give your guests a truly authentic hot dog experience, you can choose to hire a hot dog stand for your event instead.

 4.       Glazed churros – What are parties without sweet treats? And when it comes to sweets, glazed churros would make a great addition to your tray. Get creative by drizzling them with different glazes such as pistachio, chocolate, maple and orange.

 5.       Pizza wheels – A whole box of pizza can be too much for more formal gatherings. But you can still add this well-loved comfort food to your event. How? Just shrink and roll it. Instead of flattening out the dough, simply roll it, adding sauce, herbs and cheese as you go.

These bite-sized snacks are perfect for every occasion. So the next time you throw a party, be sure to include them in your menu.

If you’re pressed for time and can’t arrange delectable treats that will draw attention at your next event, you can always turn to Yummy Dogs. We offer mobile catering in Sydney, cooking only the most authentic and delicious hot dogs! If you want to know more about our services, feel free to contact us.